Learning the Bible with Martin Luther - Facilitator's Edition (B/W)
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Learning the Bible with Martin Luther - Facilitator's Edition (Color)
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Review by Pastor Kevin Wenker (LCMS):
In my 41 years as a parish pastor, I have had the opportunity to review many books and workbooks on Bible studies, Confirmation, the Small Catechism and the like. ...
Learning the Bible with Martin Luther contains lessons which are appropriate in length and understanding for the average confirmand. It has tests, practical examples, and illustrations. And, above all, it is absolutely faithful to Scripture, Lutheran doctrine, and the Confessions. It presents topics and lessons on stewardship and Christian service and life beyond Confirmation in addition to the chief parts of the Catechism.
I wish I had had this Workbook when I first started teaching Confirmation many years ago. I also wish I had this when leading adult member classes or reviews of the Small Catechism in Bible Class in Sunday morning Adult Bible Class. Why? Because this Workbook works for all age groups. The Workbook does not shy away from difficult applications, but addresses them faithfully in a way that is understandable for teens and adults. What a great resource this is for either a pastor or a lay person. The teacher’s guide is especially valuable. I will be using this Workbook with teens and adults, and it has been very well received by both.
Peter Kucenski’s Workbook on Luther’s Small Catechism has my highest recommendation.
About the author
While many people receive their Biblical education in the seminary and Christian school system, Peter received his in churches and through extensive personal study over 15+ years. He refined his understanding and his ability to communicate through personal conversations with many pastors, with average Christians from many denominations, and with non-Christians. In addition, he worked as a police officer for over 7 years, which exposed him to the harsh realities of life. All those things produced a person with sincere compassion for people who are caught up in that harshness of the world. They also gave Peter the deep desire to help people understand God and what He has to say in a real, practical way. In addition, he earned a bachelor's degree in business communication. Plus, in the police department, he worked as a trainer and functioned as a crisis response team member. In those ways, he helped other police officers to do their difficult jobs safely and well. He is married to his wife Danielle (a former Baptist). Finally, Peter's doctrinal beliefs are rooted in the Bible and agree with the Lutheran Confessions.

About Christian Bible Scholars, LLC
Learning and understanding God's Word should not be expensive. So, Christian Bible Scholars, LLC was started by the author, Peter Kucenski, as a way to provide you with the best Christian educational material at the lowest price.